Lesson #36
- Memory verse: Gal 3:9
- From chapter 21 we have discussed how the birth of Isaac prefigures the birth of Christ, and how the struggle between Isaac and Ishmael is an illustration of the two natures within us. There is one important illustration from chapter 21 we have not discussed.
A Prophetic Picture of the Jewish Nation
Gen 21 Gal 4:22-31
Ishmael = born of the flesh nature, the physical descendant of Abraham prefigures the Jewish nation
Ishmael | The Jewish Nation | Time frame |
Ishmael cast out and becomes a wanderer in the wilderness.
Gen 21:14 |
Jews become wanderers in the world.
Amo 8:11-12 |
70 AD the Romans destroyed the temple |
Ishmael’s water was gone.
Gen 12:15 |
Water is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit leaves the Jewish people in their blindness.
2Cor 3:15 |
Church Age |
Hagar moans her situation.
Gen 21:16 |
Jews moan their situation.
Jer 14:2 |
God hears the voice of Ishmael.
Gen 21:17 |
God will hear the cry of the Jews when they repent and come to Christ.
Hos 5:15 |
God showed Hagar a well of water for Ishmael. Gen 21:19 | The Holy Spirit will again be given to Israel.
Isa 32:13-15 |
The second
Coming Of Christ |
God was with Ishmael as he grew.
Gen 21:20 |
The jews will increase and prosper.
Isa 65:21-23 |
The 1000
Year Millennial Reign Of Christ |
Ishmael lived in Paran which means = “beauty” or “glory”.
Gen 21:21 |
The Jews will live in a glorious Israel.
Isa 62:8-9 |
Ishmael marries an Egyptian woman.
Gen 21:21 |
Jews will be allied with Egypt.
Isa 19:24-25 |
Abimelech seeks out Abraham.
Gen 21:22 |
Gentiles will seek out the Jews.
Zec 8:23 |
Abraham planted a grove.
Gen 21:33 |
Jews become possessors of the whole Promised Land.
Eze 48:1-29 |
Abraham called on the everlasting God.
Gen 21:33 |
Israel shall dwell with God eternally.
Isa 102:27-28 |
Eternity |
There are 12 princes, sons of Ishmael. Gen 25:16 | The 12 tribes of Israel will be restored to reign with God forever.
Rev 21:12 |
- Read Gen 22:1-14 and Heb 11:17-19 The sacrifice of Isaac
- God tested Abraham (1)
- In some English translations, it reads, God tempted Abraham.
- The confusion exists because the English words, “test”, “tempt”, “trial” all have the same basic Hebrew word. However, the Biblical focus is different between the three words:
- “test” = the focus is on God who tests (proves) the existence of faith.
- “tempt” = the focus is on Satan who seeks to destroy the existence of faith.
- “trial” = the focus is on the believer who seeks to maintain the existence of faith despite circumstances.
- God does not tempt man to sin. Jam 1:2,13-14
- The confusion exists because the English words, “test”, “tempt”, “trial” all have the same basic Hebrew word. However, the Biblical focus is different between the three words:
- God tested Abraham’s faith in two areas: a son and a land
- Remember that the Abrahamic Covenant promised a son and a land. God tests to see if Abraham will continue to believe God for these two promises.
- Chapter 22 tests the promise of a son that would give rise to generations of people numbering as the sand of the seashore and the stars of heaven.
- Read Heb 11:17-19
- Abraham believed God would raise him from the dead in order to fulfill his promise of many descendants.
- Chapter 23 tests the promise of a land that Abraham would posses if he but walked on it and looked at it.
- God wanted Abraham to “fear” him (12). Fearing God meant to love and trust him with awesome respect.
- In some English translations, it reads, God tempted Abraham.
- The location of the test — Mt. Moriah (2)
- Mt. Moriah was where Solomon’s temple was built in the city of Jerusalem. (2Chr 3:1) Jerusalem is also the location of the crucifixion where Jesus died on the cross.
- Mt. Moriah extends from the south through the temple mount to the north of the temple at Calvary.
- Isaac
- Usually drawings portray Isaac as a young boy. However, in reality, Isaac was about 38 years old.
- Other heathen religions offered children as human sacrifice to their gods, but our God, Jehovah, said that was forbidden. (2Kin 16:3 Lev 18:21 Jer 7:31 Jer 19:4-5).
- Isaac, therefore, was not a child.
- In this chapter, he is rather a passive participant in the action. There’s a reason for that. The focus is on Abraham, his father, willing to give his son. This demonstrates by example the heart of God willing to give his Son, Jesus Christ.
- God tested Abraham (1)
Sacrifice of Isaac, a Prefigure of Christ’s Death
Gen 22:1-14 Heb 11:17-19
Isaac | Christ |
God said “take now thine son, thine only son” “whom thou lovest” Gen 22:2 | Jesus was God’s only begotten son, whom he loved. Joh 3:16 Mat 3:17 |
Isaac is set apart for sacrifice. Gen 22:2 | Jesus was set apart for sacrifice
From before creation Act 2:23 1Pet 1:20 |
He was offered when a young man
(about 38 yrs. old) |
He was offered when in the prime of life. |
Abraham did not spare Isaac | God did not spare Christ
Rom 8:32 Joh 3:16 |
Isaac was obedient unto death | Jesus was obedient unto death.
Phi 2:5-8 |
There were 2 men who went with Abraham and Isaac. Gen 22:3
2 is the biblical number for A reliable witness. |
Jesus died between 2 thieves.
Mar 15:27 |
He was to be a burnt offering sacrifice
Gen 22:3 |
He became a burnt offering sacrifice Heb 10:14 |
The third day resurrection is in view. His son was as good as dead to him. Gen 22:4 | The third day resurrection in fact.
Mar 9:31 |
Abraham and Isaac went to perform the sacrifice alone together where no one else would see it. Gen 22:5 | No one was permitted to see the transaction between Jesus and God on Calvary.
Mar 15:33 |
He carried the wood for sacrifice
Gen 22:6 |
He carried the wood cross for
Sacrifice. Joh 19:17 |
Abraham took the fire. Gen 22:6 |
Fire represents divine judgment God was judging sin. Isa 53:4 |
A ram, a substitution provided by God, for God
Gen 22:8,13 |
Christ, our substitute provided by God, for God.
Heb 10:5-10 |
After Isaac is laid on the altar, no more is spoken of him returning home with Abraham. Gen 22:19 | Jesus ascended to God.
Act 1:10 |
The location of the sacrifice: Mt. Moriah (near Jerusalem)
Gen 22:2 |
The location of the sacrifice:
Calvary near Jerusalem |
- Previous prefigures and examples in Genesis have demonstrated that God required a sacrifice for sin.
- However, this is the first time God indicates that the final sacrifice for sin must be a human one.
- Read Joh 8:56 Abraham saw Jesus on the cross.
- A new name for God (Gen 22:14)
- Jehovah Jireh = the Lord will provide
- Jehovah is a covenant name for God. Therefore, God’s provision of a sacrifice for himself is part of the covenant.
- Read Gen 22:15-24 Covenant Confirmed
- The number of the grains of sand and the number of stars in the sky:
- Scientists have calculated that the number of grains of sand to be 1022.
- The symbolism expresses Abraham’s physical descendants.
- Scientists have calculated that the number of the stars in the universe to be 1022.
- The symbolism expresses Abraham’s spiritual descendants by faith.
- To “possess the gate of his enemies” (17)
- To capture the gate of a city meant that you captured the city government and all the important functions that went on there.
- It meant the downfall of that city.
- The number of the grains of sand and the number of stars in the sky:
Genesis 23
- Application of Gen 22
- Like Abraham, have you looked upon the substitute sacrifice that God provides for your sins? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your substitute sacrifice?
- If you have not, write down why not.
- In prayer open your heart to God and ask him to make it very clear to you who is your sacrifice for sin.
- If you need help in taking the step of committing your life to Christ, speak to the pastor or to me.
- Preparation for Gen 23
- Read Gen 23:1-20 The death of Sarah
- What was the disagreement between Abraham and the sons of Heth?
- In light of the promise in the covenant of the possession of the land, of what significance is the purchase of the burial cave?
- Read Gen 23:1-20 The death of Sarah
- Memory verse: 2Cor 1:20