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Matthew 26:17-29
Lesson #65


  • Memory verse: Matthew 26:28
  • Review:
    • From Matthew 21 the action has been during the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry before the crucifixion. These events corresponded to the sacred feast days of Leviticus 23 celebrated by the Jews during the same time of the crucifixion week.
    • These feast days in Lev 23 are prophetic for which Jesus fulfilled every detail. These feast days also pointed back to the time of the Exodus from Egypt which were to be a symbol of Christ’s coming to earth. For example:
    • Preparation for Passover: 10th of Nisan in the Jewish calendar (approximate English month: March to April)
      • On the 10th of Nisan, Jesus entered Jerusalem
      • From the Mt. of Olives riding on a donkey at the same time the high priest brought the Passover lamb from the Mt. of Olives into Jerusalem.
      • In the book of Exodus, from the 10th to the 14th of Nisan, the Passover lamb lived in a family’s home so it could be examined for imperfections.
        • In New Testament times, the Passover lamb lived in the temple tied to the altar for these 4 days to allow priests to examine it for imperfections.
        • During these same 4 days, Jesus appeared every day in the temple answering accusations and questions by the religious leaders, proving he is the Son of God.
    • The Leviticus 23 feast days and the crucifixion event:
      • Feast of Passover: 14 day of the month of Nisan (March-April)
        • Historical event in Exodus: Exo 23:1-51; 13:3-10
          • At 3:00 pm the Passover lamb was killed.
          • The blood of the lamb was put on the door posts as protection against the death of the firstborn.
        • The New Testament practice in Jesus’ time: (Joh 1:29)
          • At 9:00 am the Passover lamb was bound on the altar by the high priest. (Psa 118:27)
          • At 3:00 pm the high priest killed the Passover lamb and said “It is finished“.
        • The New Testament fulfillment in Jesus Christ:
          • At 9:00 am Jesus, the Passover lamb was nailed to the cross.
          • At 3:00 pm Jesus, as high priest, gave up his life and said, “It is finished” (Joh 19:30-42)
        • The spiritual significance:
          • The killing of the Passover lamb as well as the crucifixion of Jesus is a lesson in identification for redemption from sin and death.

The sins of the people were put upon the Passover lamb so they might be free from the penalty of sin which is death.

Our sins were put on Jesus Christ on the cross so that we might be free from the penalty of sin which is eternal death.

          • Just as the Jews had to identify themselves with the Passover lamb by applying the blood to the door and being under the blood, we have to identify ourselves with Jesus Christ, our Passover lamb by accepting him as our Savior, applying his blood to our sinful hearts, and being under his blood.
  • Read Mat 26:17-25 The last supper of the King
    • The Passover meal eaten by the disciples and Jesus, which we call the Last Supper, was not eaten at exactly the same time everyone else in Jerusalem ate their Passover meal. For most people, that meal was usually eaten at sundown on the 14th of Nisan. Jesus was already dead by that time.
    • Jesus ate this last Passover meal on the 13th of Nisan with his disciples probably in the home of John Mark’s parents (Mar 14:12-16 Luk 22:7-13). No one questioned the timing of this meal that it was a day too early. Why?
      • Jesus said, “my time is at hand” (Mat 26:18).
      • They may not have understood it, but they accepted his authority.
      • It was not uncommon to celebrate Passover a different day to accommodate something in a family’s schedule.
    • The arrangement of the last supper (Mat 26:20)
      • The arrangement is very important to understanding the actions. They did not sit on chairs as we see in Rembrandt’s famous painting. They reclined on their left arm on the floor with their feet pointing away from the table. This left the right arm free to eat. The person to your right had the position of greatest honor. His ear would be close to your mouth. The person on your left had the second position of honor. You would have to turn your head backward to talk to him, but his mouth would be close to your ear.
      • From this arrangement, you can see why things that were said between Jesus and Judas, and Jesus and John were not easily heard by others at the table.
  • Read Mat 26:26-29 The lord’s supper (Mar 14:22-25 Luk 22:17-20)
    • What happened at the meal?
      • They drank the first cup of wine (Luk 22:17-18)
      • In the Passover, there were 4 cups of wine:
        • #1 cup of sanctification
        • #2 cup of antiquity representing the 10 plagues in Exodus.
        • #3 cup of redemption or cup of blessing
        • #4 cup of acceptance or cup of Elijah
    • The washing of hands was replaced by the washing of feet (Joh 13:4,5)
    • A servant brought in a portable table of food
    • The host broke one of the unleavened pieces of bread. Half of it was put aside for after the meal. Jesus used it later to initiate our communion.
      • A servant filled the second cup. The youngest person at the table asked about the meaning of the observances. The host recited the answers giving the significance of the first Passover in Exodus and the history of the Jews.
      • The second cup was lifted up to God three times.
        • They said prayers and sang Psalms 113 and 114.
        • They drank the second cup.
      • Everyone washed his hands and began to eat the meal.
        • While they ate, Jesus announced the betrayal. (Mat 26:21-22)
        • The betrayer was identified as someone present. (Mat 26:23)
        • Peter, sitting on the other side of the table, asked John to question Jesus and find out who would betray Jesus. (Joh 13:24)
        • John asks Jesus who it is. (Joh 13:25)
        • Jesus says to John that it is the person to whom he will give the next piece of bread. (Joh 13:26)
      • According to the arrangement around the table, no one but John heard this identification of Judas.
      • Judas, sitting next to Jesus in a place of honor, took the piece of bread from Jesus.
        • This piece of bread was dipped in bitter herbs that represented the suffering of the Jews. The bread was not handed to the other person but put into his mouth as an act of love.
        • In this act, Jesus is extending love and forgiveness to Judas.
    • When Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him. (Joh 13:27)
      • Judas was told to go and finish his betrayal.
      • Judas left at this point in the ceremony.
        • Because Judas left, he did not drink of the last cup of wine, called the cup of redemption.
        • That cup represented Christ’s blood that was shed on Calvary.
        • Jesus discussed his glorification and departure with the remaining disciples. (Joh 13:31-38)
    • At the end of the meal, Jesus took that piece of broken bread from earlier in the ceremony and identified it with his crucified body. He gave some to everyone present.
    • Then Jesus took the third cup called the cup of redemption and gave it to everyone present. They sang Psalms 115-118. (Luk 22:17-20)
    • Jesus identifies this third cup with his crucifixion.
    • Evidently Jesus did not use the 4th cup of acceptance. Why?
      • Perhaps because the disciples were not yet born again as He had not yet shed his blood.
      • Therefore, they could not have been born again by the shed blood of Christ before the crucifixion.
  • Read 1Cor 11:23-26 The ordinance of communion
    • The cup and bread represent the making of a blood covenant.
      • Salt also represents a covenant.
      • In Rembrandt’s painting of the Last Supper, he did get this detail correct.
      • Near Judas’ arm on the table is an overturned salt shaker indicating the breaking of a covenant.
    • Our communion service uses this small part of the Passover celebration to identify us with Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and our blood covenant with Him.
      • The bread represents his body broken by the beating He suffered before the crucifixion (Luk 22:63-65) and His body broken on the cross.
      • Read 1Pet 2:24
      • The wine represents His blood that He shed on the cross for the remission of sin. (Eph 1:7 Col 1:14)
    • Jesus said we are to do this until He comes back a second time.
    • Discussion: Why do we need to repeat it until He comes back?


Matthew 26:30-46

  • Application of Mat 26:17-29
    • Have you identified yourself with the crucifixion of Christ?
      • Explain how you do that.
      • When you participate in communion service at church, what are some things you should think about?
  • Preparation for Mat 26:30-46
    • Read John 14
    • Read Mat 26:30-34
    • Read John 17
    • Read Mat 26:35-46
      • What were the desires for which Jesus prayed?
  • Memory verse: John 17:22


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