List of Photographs
September 15, 2016
Beautiful Feet on Mountain Peaks
This is a list of photographs pertaining to the Beautiful Feet on Mountain Peaks.
Mountains of the State of Nayarit, Mexico
The Broken Sandals of Pastor Lorenzo
The Location in Mexico — a map
The Map of the Missions
Pastor Waldo Castro
The Call to Congregate
Pastor Waldo and “The Missionary”
Pastor Waldo Castro
Maria Castro
Amy Castro
Daniel Castro
Olga Castro
Jack Schmedel, Maria and Waldo Castro, Joyce Schmedel
Pastor don Lupe Martinez
Pastor don Lupe Martinez
Esther Martinez
Tony Rosalio Gonzalez, the Indian governor
Pastors Anselmo and Angelina Rosalio
Pastor Lorenzo Renteria
Sandra Miramontes
The Christian Meeting
The House of Angelina
The Bedrooms of Pastor Lorenzo
The People of El Majahual
Don Librado, the Converted Shaman
Don Librado, the Converted Shaman
New hats, new shoes, and freezing temperatures 2008