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Matthew 12:14-32
Lesson #30


  • Memory verse: Isaiah 35:4
  • Read Mat 12:14-21 The role of the Messiah King
    • After teaching about discipleship and the inevitability of persecution, Jesus withdraws when his public image is becoming too well known.
    • We do not see reckless courage. Instead we see that discerning wisdom of a serpent.
    • Read Isa 42:1-4
      • Jesus quotes Isaiah 42:1-4.
      • Matthew continuously points out how Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophecies about the anticipated Old Testament Messiah.
      • The context of Isa 42:1-4 is strangely interesting.
        • The passage in Isa 42 referred to Cyrus, the Persian king who was not a believer, but whom God would use as his instrument to conquer the Gentiles by military power.
        • The prophetic aspect that Jesus refers to is that in the same way as Cyrus, the Messiah will conquer and judge the Gentiles.
      • Jesus’ prophetic fulfillment of Isa 42:1-4
        • Jesus, the Messiah, will tell the nations what justice is.
          • “Justice” means = giving to God and to men that which is due to them.
          • Jesus explained this in detail in his teachings on the Sermon on the Mount.
        • Jesus will not strive nor cry aloud, nor will anyone hear His voice in the streets.
          • Jesus did not get into violent shouting.
          • He did not get into arguments with his enemies.
        • We continually see him try to keep the publicity of his ministry down by telling people not to tell anyone.
    • The Parable of the Bruised Reed and the Burning Flax (20)
      • The central truth of the parable:
        • When the Messiah comes the first time, He will not bring judgment, condemnation and discouragement.
        • He will bring healing, encouragement, mercy, and strength to the down-trodden.
      • The bruised reed = people who are poor, hurting, sick, and filled with sin.
      • The burning flax = people’s low self-esteem, hopelessness, and lack of resources. We would say that this person is at the end of his rope!
      • Jesus did not come to crush man’s spirit but to lift him up to a higher level of faith.
        • In Jesus even the Gentiles would have hope.
        • However, the fulfillment would wait for the formal rejection and crucifixion of Jesus by the Jews.
  • Read Mat 12:22-30 Breaking down Satan’s defenses
    • The healing of the man who was blind, dumb, and demon possessed.
      • We have discussed previously the Jewish belief that demons were the cause of all sickness.
      • We have discussed the aspects of demon possession as well as the frequency of blindness. (see your notes on Mat 8 and Mat 9)
    • What do we learn about Jesus from this healing?
      • The people call him the son of David.
      • Jesus, the King, is the son of David.
        • Son of David is a Messianic title of Jesus Christ
        • It indicates that He will come through the lineage of David as a King with a kingdom that will never end.
    • The controversy: (24-30)
      • The Jews accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Satan (Beelzebub).
        • Who or what is Beelzebub?
        • Beelzebub = it is a common name for Satan meaning = master of the house.
      • Jesus’ reply:
        • If Jesus was using Satan’s power to cast out demons, it meant that Satan’s kingdom was fractured and divided.
        • For a long time, the religious Jews had used exorcism to cast out demons.
        • The Pharisees did not accuse them of using the power of Satan.
        • By casting out demons, Jesus has invaded the kingdom of Satan like a burglar robbing a house.
          • (Remember that “Beelzebub” means master of the house.)
          • Jesus is saying that He has bound Satan, the master of the house, and left him powerless.
          • Read Isa 49:24-26

When did Jesus do this?

When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, he bound the power of Satan. Satan was ultimately defeated at the crucifixion.

      • The coming of the kingdom of God to earth:
      • Verse 28 tells us exactly when the kingdom of God first came to this earth:
        • It was not on the day of Pentecost as many believe.
        • It was when Jesus first exercised His authority over Satan by casting out the first demon.
    • The law of the spirit of unity:
      • We see in this discussion about the kingdom of Satan and the kingdom of God, a basic underlying principle of power that God placed into existence at creation along with gravity.
      • That power is the spirit of unity. Unity can work for either good or evil.

Principles of the Law of Unity

The Principle at Work: Scripture:
Definition: Unity is agreement in harmony of purpose working toward a common goal. Gen 1:26
God, himself, operates in unity. Joh 17:11,21-23
Great creativity occurs when there is unity. Gen 1
God’s unfathomable power is released where there is harmony. Act 1-2
Unity of judgment came upon mankind when Adam and Eve broke that unity with God. Gen 3
Unity in the invisible world governs the visible world. Mat 6:10

Mat 18:19-20

There is a multiplication factor in unity. Deu 32:30
Unity is what the Holy Spirit uses to expand the church while disunity causes the Spirit to flee. Act 1:14
Unity always produces strength whether for good or for evil. Gen 11:1, 4-8
Unity begins with the individual within himself. Jam 1:6-8 Psa 57:7

Mat 6:24

Collective unity brings greater strength and power. Eph 5:25
Disunity produces weakness. Pro 11:29
God does not insist on or even desire uniformity because variety and diversity are God’s plan. However, with variety and diversity, still unity is possible. 1Cor 12:4-7
      • Mat 12:30 “he that is not with me is against me”
        • In this war between the kingdom of Satan and the kingdom of God, there are only 2 sides, there is no isolationism or neutrality.
        • To promote the kingdom of God in unity, there needs to be a goal or vision.
          • This is usually the greatest lack in churches.
          • The goal or vision comes from God to the leadership and needs to be clearly communicated to the people.
      • This is a test we should apply sternly to ourselves. How well are you cooperating with Christ to promote the kingdom of God?
      • Read Mar 9:40 Luk 9:50 The other side of the same coin:
        • “he that is not against me is with me”
        • This is a test we should apply tolerantly to others, not in judgment but in discernment.
  • Read Mat 12:31-32 The unforgivable sin
    • Remember that the Jewish concept of the Holy Spirit at the time Jesus spoke this was more limited than ours is today.
      • The Jews knew that the Holy Spirit brought God’s truth to man. The Jews knew that the Holy Spirit enabled men to understand God’s truth when they saw it.
    • The development of the unforgivable sin:
      • For a long time the scribes and Pharisees had turned their backs on the Holy Spirit’s revelations of God’s truth.
      • By doing that, they gradually became blind to the truth.
      • When that blindness became fully developed, they attributed the workings of God to the devil.
    • What is the unforgivable sin?
      • Jesus says the unforgivable sin is to “blaspheme the Holy Spirit“. (31)
      • What does that mean?
        • Technically it is attributing the truth and workings of God to the devil.
        • However, in the context of Matthew, it is attributing the truth of God to Satan only after consistent denials and the development of blindness.
      • Why is it unforgivable?
        • In John 14,15,16 Jesus tells us the Holy Spirit would come after Jesus ascended into heaven and what the ministry of the Holy Spirit would be like.
        • Read Joh 16:8-11,13-15
          • Blaspheming the Holy Spirit denies the Holy Spirit access to your heart so that you do not feel guilty over sin.
          • If you do not feel guilty over sin, you will never repent of it.
          • If you do not repent of sin, you cannot be saved. (2Cor 7:10)

Salvation only occurs by the action of the Holy Spirit on the heart of a person.

If the Holy Spirit is not allowed to work on a human heart, that person will never be convicted of sin and then will never seek forgiveness from God.

      • What the unforgivable sin is not:
        • Notice it is not attributing the truth and workings of God to Satan out of ignorance, but out of deliberate blindness.
        • If you feel guilty for sin, you have not committed the unforgivable sin because the Holy Spirit is still working in your heart.
        • A believer in Jesus Christ does not commit this sin. Notice that Jesus directs this statement to the Jewish leadership who were unbelievers.


Matthew 12:33-50

  • Application of Mat 12:14-32
    • Examine the spirit of unity in your own life.
      • How well do you cooperate with the goals of the church?
        • Attendance at worship services?
        • Attendance at Bible Studies?
        • Attendance at special events?
        • Speaking well of and promoting the pastor?
        • Speaking well of and promoting other church leaders?
        • What changes does God want to make in developing a greater spirit of unity within you?
  • Preparation for Mat 12:33-50
    • Read Mat 12:33-42 Two signs: The parable of Jonah and the queen
      • What is the central truth of the sign of Jonah?
      • What is the central truth of the sign of the queen of Sheba?
      • (Advanced Question) Why do you think Jesus gave two signs?
    • Read Mat 12:43-50 Parable of the empty house and eight spirits
      • To whom was this parable spoken?
      • What is the central truth of this parable? (43-45)
  • Memory verse: Gal 3:28



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