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Matthew 26:47-56
Lesson #67

  • Memory verse: Matthew 5:39
  • Read Mat 26:47-50 The betrayal in the Garden of Gethsemane
    • For four days Jesus had been in the temple with the religious authorities. They did not arrest him there. Why?
      • Jesus was in the temple during the day when many people were there for the Passover celebrations.
      • During Jewish holidays, Roman soldiers stood on the roof of the temple to watch for trouble.
      • They needed the cover of darkness so there would be no mass demonstration and revolt.
      • God’s timing to coincide with the Passover needed to be perfect to make Jesus the Passover lamb of God.
    • Read John 18:2-9
      • John gives us some interesting details not found in Matthew.
      • When Jesus asked the soldiers who they were looking for, they answered, “Jesus of Nazareth.” He then said something very interesting that he repeated three times. (Joh 18:5,6,8)
        • Jesus said “I am he“. The word “he” does not appear in the original Greek.
          • Therefore, the phrase, “I am” is a title for God the Father back in the Old Testament.
          • Three times Jesus used it to refer to himself. The power of the statement and the power of God moving through Jesus was powerful enough to knock the soldiers to the ground.
        • Jesus was in full control of the situation. He dictated the conditions of his arrest. He was not a passive martyr.
        • He gave himself to the soldiers if they would let the disciples go free.
  • Read Mat 26:51-56 The arrest
    • The reaction of some of the disciples:
      • A struggle began between the disciples and the soldiers.
      • Notice that some of the disciples evidently carried weapons. Why?
        • Remember that one of the disciples, Simon, (and maybe more) had been a member of the Zealots, a terrorist group.
        • Some of the disciples were fishermen who carried knives for their trade. Jesus evidently had not previously reprimanded his disciples for carrying weapons.
        • The disciple who cut off the ear was Peter (Joh 18:10). The man whose ear was cut off was Malchus, a servant in the temple.
    • Discussion:
      • Is it ever justified to fight back to defend yourself with violence?
      • Is it ever justified to defend with violence another person who needs help?
      • Then, what did Jesus mean in Mat 26:52?
        • God’s purposes can best be worked out through sacrificial love and not violence.
        • The violence of the religious leaders brought violence upon themselves.
        • In 70 AD Jerusalem was destroyed, the temple was burned, the Jews were scattered, religious worship with animal sacrifice in the temple worship was no more.
      • Jesus did not want to be defended. Why?
        • His death was by his own choice because He knew it was in God’s plan:
          • He had all the power of God in His hands including the command of the angels.
          • Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah needed to be fulfilled.
          • What Old Testament prophecies?

There are 333 prophecies about the Messiah in the Old Testament.

The stream of prophecy that runs through the Old Testament looks like a river with 2 branches. One branch of the river is about the suffering servant and the other branch of the river is about the ruling king.

        • =1= God’s plan of the Ruling King:
          • Psa 68:18 Psa 118:22 Psa 2:6-8
          • Isa 32:1-3 Isa 42:1-4 Isa 9:6-7
          • Jer 23:5
          • Dan 7:13-14 Dan 2:44
          • Mic 5:2
          • Zec 9:9-10 Zec 6:12-13
          • Mal 3:1
        • =2= God’s plan of the Suffering Servant
          • Psa 69:21 Psa 22:48
          • Isa 50:6 Isa 52:14 Isa 53:1-10
          • Dan 9:26
          • Zec 11:2 Zec 12:10 Zec 13:9
        • These two rivers of prophecy come together in one person, Jesus Christ. How do we know that when the Jews looked for 2 separate Messiah’s.
        • Read Zec 12:10
  • These are some of the prophecies about the suffering servant that we see Jesus fulfill the last week of his earthly life.
Old Testament prophetic scriptures The event of

Jesus’ fulfillment

New Testament scripture


Psa 8:2; 118:25-26 Zec 9:9 Triumphal entry Mat 21:4,5

Joh 12:13-14

Psa 69:9 Purification of the temple Joh 2:13-22

Joh 19:46

Psa 41:9; 55:12-14

Zec 13:6

Betrayal of a friend (Judas) Mat 26:49-50

Mar 14:10

Zec 11:12 The 30 pieces of silver Mat 26:15
Psa 55:15,23; 109:17 The betrayer’s death Mat 27:5
Zec 11:13 Money for the potter’s field Mat 27:6-7
Zec 13:7 Desertion of the disciples Mat 26:56 Mar 14:27
Psa 27:12; 35:11; 109:2; 2:1-2 False witnesses Mat 26:60-61
Psa 38:13 Isa 53:7 Silent when accused Mat 27:12,14

Mat 26:62-63

Psa 22:7-8,16;


Mocked Mat 27:39-40,43
Psa 50:6; 35:15,21 Spat upon Luk 22:65 Mat 26:67
Isa 53:5 Wounded and bruised Mat 27:26,29
Isa 53:7-9 Patient under suffering Mat 27
Psa 69:4 Hated without cause Joh 15:23-25
Isa 53:4-5,12

Dan 9:26

Suffered for us Mat 8:16-17
Psa 22:14,17 Crucified Mat 27:35


Matthew 26:57-68

  • Application of Mat 26:47-56
    • Do you ever try to solve a problem with violence? Explain the things that cause you to become violent.
    • What specific things can you do like Jesus to solve your problems with sacrificial love?
    • Through prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit, determine that this week will be different!
  • Preparation for Mat 26:57-68
    • What do you learn about Jesus from the following scriptures?
      • Read Mat 26:57-68
      • Read Mar 14:53-65
      • Read Joh 18:12,19-24
  • Memory verse: Mat 5:11


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