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MATTHEW 14:22-36
Lesson #37

  • Memory verse: 1Joh 4:18
  • Read Mat 14:22-33 Walking on the water
    • Jesus insists that his disciples make a one hour trip and go back across the lake without Him.
      • They did not understand why they must be separated from Him.
      • There are several reasons why He insisted:
        • John 6:15 says that the people were going to force Jesus to become their King.
          • It was a dangerous situation.
          • He wanted to remove His disciples from it.
          • His disciples might have fought to protect Jesus.
          • His disciples might have joined the crowd to make Jesus King.
        • Jesus is training them to stand on their own because soon they will be without His physical presence.
        • This situation is to be a test of their faith.
    • Jesus was praying in the mountain above the lake.
      • He could see the storm on the lake.
      • He could see the little boat fighting the storm for hours.
      • Jesus was probably doing spiritual warfare:
        • He was praying for his disciples.
        • He was praying against Satan who would seek to destroy this group of disciples.
        • These disciples would carry the message of the gospel to the world.
        • Of course, Satan wanted to destroy them.
      • However, we see the Lord’s watchful care over them as they struggle through this.
    • The disciples battled the storm for hours.
      • They had left shore in the evening to make the one hour trip.
      • They are still on the lake between 3 and 6 AM (25).
        • These are professional fishermen accustomed to storms on the lake.
        • This, therefore, is no usual storm but a definite attack of the enemy.
    • The disciples had just seen Jesus multiply the food and feed the multitude.
    • They had previously seen Jesus calm the storm on the lake in Matthew 8:23-27.
      • At that time He rebuked them for their lack of faith.
      • In this storm they seem also to lack the faith to still the storm. Why?
        • When we take our eyes off of Jesus, the realities of the world press in and rob us of our faith.
        • Faith within the disciples did not return until they saw Jesus walking on the water.
      • However, notice that they did not recognize Him at first. The flame of faith was not lit until Peter recognized the possibility of Jesus’ presence.
      • Peter’s step of faith:
        • Peter frequently acted impulsively without thinking things through before he acted.
          • Even though we see Peter frequently fail, his heart is always in the right place.
          • Always, at times when Peter is on the brink of failure, we see him hold onto Jesus.
        • It took faith for Peter to suggest that he, too, could walk on the water.
        • It took faith for Peter to step out of the boat.
        • What was it that lit the spark of faith in Peter?
          • It was Jesus’ statement in verse 27.
          • Jesus said, “It is I“. What He really said was, “It is I am“. “I am” is the Old Testament name that God used to refer to himself when He met Moses at the burning bush. (Exo 3:6,14)
        • None of the other disciples were moved to faith to walk on the water, only Peter.
        • The downfall of Peter’s faith:
          • Why did Peter begin to sink? (30)
          • He took his eyes off of Jesus.

Scripture says that he “saw” the wind around him.

He became afraid.

Fear is the opposite of faith.

When he began to sink, he did not fight the fear with renewed faith.

Instead he called Jesus to save him.

The Lord in his mercy always lifts us when our faith falters if we will call upon Him.

    • Jesus’ response:
      • Jesus did not rebuke Peter for getting out of the boat.
      • He mildly rebuked him for doubting once he got out on the water. “You of little faith” is the sad condition of us all.
    • What do we learn about Jesus from this miracle?
      • Jesus, the King, is the great “I am”.
      • Jesus, the King, is the author and finisher of our faith. (Heb 12:2)
    • What did the disciples learn from this miracle?
      • After the incident, they worshipped Him as the “Son of God”. (33)
      • This is a contrast to their reaction after Jesus calmed the first storm in Matthew 8:27. They questioned, “What manner of man was this?”
  • Application:
    • St. Francis of Assi had noticed a custom of the country districts in which he lived.
      • He had often noticed a farm servant girl going across a farmyard to draw water at the well; He also noticed that, before she lifted the brimming bucket, the girl always put a piece of wood into it.
      • One day he went out to the girl and asked her, “Why do you do that?” she looked surprised and answered, as if it were a matter of common knowledge, “Why, to keep the water from spilling…to keep it steady!”
      • Later when the bishop told this story he added, “So when your heart is distressed and agitated, put the cross into its center to keep it steady!”
    • In every storm of life, it is Jesus and his cross that brings peace, calm, and victory.
    • Jesus’ presence and His words lift our faith.
  • Read Mat 14:34-36 A multitude of healings
    • As many as touched the hem of His robe were healed.
      • We have already discussed the significance of touching the hem of his robe in Matthew 9:20-22 when we studied the woman who was healed from a blood disease by touching the hem of his robe.
      • The significance is that when one gets hold of Jehovah Rapha (“The God that health thee”), (Exo 15:26), one is made well.
      • The symbol of healing was in the hem of the garment of the high priest.
      • Jesus is our High Priest today. (Heb 5:5-6)
  • Discussion:
    • What do we learn about faith from this lesson?


Matthew 15:1-20

  • Application of Mat 14:22-36
    • In which areas of your life do you need to keep Jesus at the center of your focus in order to maintain faith?
      • Specifically, how can you do that this week?
  • Preparation for Mat 15:1-20
    • Read Mat 15:1-9
      • What specific tradition did the Pharisees accuse Jesus and his disciples of violating?
      • Make a list of the specific laws of God that Jesus accused the Pharisees of violating.
      • Read Mat 15:10-20 Diagnosis of the heart of man
        • The parable of the uprooted plant (Mat 15:12-13)
          • What is the plant (be sure to read the whole context especially vs. 17,18)?
          • What does He mean by “rooted up“?
          • What is the central truth of the parable?
        • The parable of the blind leaders (Mat 15:14)
          • What is the central truth of the parable?
  • Memory verse: Titus 2:1


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