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Matthew 23:37-39

Matthew 24:15-28
Lesson #58

  • Memory verse: Ephesians 5:6
  • Read Mat 23:37-24:3 (Luk 21:5-7)
    • Three questions are asked in Matthew 24:3 gives us a guide:
      • =1= When shall these things be?
        • The question is answered in Mat 24:15-28
        • The question and answer refer to Jerusalem and the temple. (Mat 23:37-38)
      • =2= What shall be the sign of thy coming?
        • The question is answered in Mat 24:29-31
        • The question and answer refer to the event of the second coming of the Lord.
      • =3= What shall be the sign of the end of the age?
        • The question is answered in Mat 24:4-14,32-51
        • The question and answer refer to the general signs present before the tribulation and continue into the tribulation.
    • Question 1: When shall these things be?
    • Read Mat 24:15-28 (Luk 21:20-23)
      • Primary context according to Mat 23:37-38 refers to Jerusalem and the temple.
      • One of the keys to understanding Bible prophecy is to remember that there are 2 fulfillments.
        • The abomination of desolation (15)
          • 1st fulfillment = Antiochus Epiphanes. (Dan 11:31; 12:11)

This Syrian king polluted the Jewish temple by putting a pig on the altar.

He hated the Jews and his action of the defilement of the temple was the greatest insult.

          • 2nd fulfillment = The Antichrist in the tribulation.

The context in Matthew assumes there is a temple which will have to be rebuilt before this can occur.

The temple will be rebuilt some time just before the tribulation period or very early in the tribulation so that the Jews can begin animal sacrifice at the beginning of the tribulation.

The Antichrist will put his image in the temple so people can worship him.

There were others that tried to defile the temple in this way, but God prevented it because it wasn’t time for the second fulfillment.

For example: Emperor Caligula ordered his statue to be put in the holy of holies but a Roman general, Patronius, knew it would prompt an uprising and did not carry out the order. Caligula was enraged and about to have the general executed. However, before he could accomplish it, Caligula died.

        • Fleeing of the Jews (16-21)
          • 1st fulfillment = 70 AD

The Romans were so tired of Jewish uprisings they finally destroyed the temple by burning Jerusalem. The temple had a lot of gold objects and decorations that melted in the heat. The Romans did not leave one stone standing upon another because they wanted the gold flakes in the mortar and ashes of the building. There were between 600,000 and 1,250,000 Jews killed in the siege on Jerusalem. Jesus predicted this destruction in Mat 24:2.

At the destruction of Jerusalem a group of orthodox Jews fled to Masada and held off the Roman army for 3 years.

          • 2nd fulfillment = At the middle of the tribulation

The Jews will rebel because the Antichrist stops their temple worship and breaks the peace treaty. From that time the Antichrist begins to persecute the Jews after setting his image in the temple for worship. (The abomination of desolation).

The Jews will flee the persecution. Many believe Jews will flee to Petra in Jordan.

        • Except those days be shortened (22) = The coming of Jesus Christ during the battle of Armageddon ends the battle before mankind destroys himself totally. God will intervene in human history for the “elect’s sake” = Jews and Christians.
        • The great deception: (23-26)
          • The great deception is the universal belief that the Antichrist is the Messiah.
          • False Messiah’s are mentioned three times in Mat 24 including false miracles.

The Antichrist will claim to be god on earth and deceive many people into believing it with the help of the false prophet.

There have been many false Christs and false prophets down through history since the crucifixion. For example:

Jim Jones

David Karesh

Shabbetai Zvi 1666 AD

Jacob Frank 18th century

Simon bar Kochba 132 AD

Falling away = apostasy

1Tim 4:1-16 2 Tim 3:1-17

Jesus tells us how we are to know when the one who comes is the true Messiah. He will appear in only one way so that we will know it is he.

        • Lightning cometh out of the east (27) = Jesus will come out of heaven in the east. He will come just as he left in Acts 1:9-11 setting his foot on the Mt. of Olives.
          • Lightning comes quickly and unexpected and is over in less than a second.
          • It is noticeably very bright.
      • “For wheresoever the carcase is there will the eagles be gathered together.” (28)
        • The meaning: This verse is difficult to assign a meaning. Here is a possible interpretation:
        • “For wherever moral corruption exists, there divine judgment falls”.
          • The carcass represents death and evil, moral corruption.
          • The eagles (vultures) represent final judgment (See Rev 19:11-18)

Just like a bird of prey is instantly aware when an animal is about to die, he circles in waiting for death.

The central truth of this parable:

For wherever evil, moral corruption, and death exists, there divine judgment will inevitably fall.

Jesus Christ will, therefore, come when conditions are at their worst–at the end of the tribulation period during the battle of Armageddon.

He will bring with him judgment for the wicked.

    • Question 2: What shall be the sign of thy coming?
    • Read Mat 24:29-31 (Luk 21:25-28)
      • These verses tell us exactly when Jesus comes again. (29-30)
      • He will come right after the tribulation period of seven years.
        • What are the signs mentioned here?
        • Sun darkened, moon dark, stars fall, powers of heaven shaken.
          • Similar Old Testament prophecies:
          • Isa 13:10 Joe 2:31 Amo 5:18 Zep 1:15

Sun darkened, moon darkened = there are several possibilities of how this could occur:

The sun and moon are blotted out by a nuclear cloud as a result of the battle of Armageddon.

The sun is darkened because of a super nova where it actually burns out. (The sun is shrinking at a rate of 1/2 inch per hour).

It could mean a large asteroid hits the earth causing the sun and moon to be blotted from view.

        • Some supernatural unexplainable phenomena:
          • Stars fall = a large asteroid hitting the earth causes meteor showers which are falling stars.
          • A gigantic asteroid, 6 miles in diameter, (Chicxulub) hit the earth thousands of years ago during the time of the dinosaurs at the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. The impact affected 75% of the earth’s surface blotting out the sun and moon and causing tremendous meteor showers (a force the size of 5 billion Hiroshima atomic bombs). Some believe it had something to do with the disappearance of the dinosaurs.
        • The previously raptured believers are gathered to come with Christ to earth. (31)
          • Incidentally some believers think that Jesus mentioned the rapture of the church in Mat 24.
          • Jesus does not mention the rapture in Mat 24 because the book of Matthew is written to the Jews who come to receive Jesus Christ as their Messiah at the second coming of Christ.

Mat 24 continued

  • Read Mat 24.
  • Memory verse: Mat 24:14


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