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Matthew 7:13-20
Lesson #20


  • Memory verse: Psa 18:2
  • Read Mat 7:13-14 The Parable of the Two Gates and the Two Ways.
    • What is the central truth of the parable in Mat 7:13,14?
      • There are two ways to build your life. The right way is a life style based on a love relationship with Jesus Christ who answers our prayers and enables us to enter into the kingdom.
      • Most people take the other way which is the wrong way and leads to destruction.
      • But you must be sure you are not deceived into going the wrong way by discerning the nature of the life of the deceivers.
      • Principles from this parable:
        • There is a right and wrong way to live.
        • The wrong way leads to destruction. (13)
        • The right way is not obviously found. (14)
        • Not many find the right way. (14)
    • Background:
      • This parable refers to city gates which had a special significance.
      • The importance of the city gate:
        • It was the place of government, courts, markets (political, judicial, economic)
        • Everything of importance happened at the city gate.
    • There are two gates and two ways:
      • They had the same choice in the Old Testament:
        • Read Deu 30:15-18
        • Read Psalm 1
      • What does the narrow gate represent?
        • The narrow gate is Jesus Christ and the acceptance of Him as Lord and Savior.
        • It’s narrow, but wide enough to let you enter in freely.
        • See John 10:7 John 14:6-7
      • What is the narrow way?
        • The narrow way is the life built on Christ once you enter into the kingdom.
        • It’s narrow because it requires self sacrifice in giving to others.
        • It’s narrow because it requires repentance for sin.
        • It’s narrow because you are often traveling alone through persecution surrounded by unbelievers.
        • It’s narrow because you therefore have to leave a lot of personal baggage behind to get through it
        • That’s the maturing process. If you are maturing in Christ, the way should be getting narrower as you go along.
      • What does the wide gate represent?
        • The wide gate is all ways other than Jesus.
        • That’s why it is wide because it encompasses everything else and every other doctrine, religion, and belief.
      • What is the broad way?
        • The broad way is self indulgence.
        • It’s wide because it is well trodden by many people.
        • It’s wide because anything goes.
      • What is the relationship between the 2 ways and the 2 gates?
        • The narrow gate has a narrow way because the Holy Spirit won’t let you get too broad in your life style.
        • The wide gate has a broad way because nothing is required for you to give up.
      • The differences between the two ways:
        • =1= It is the difference between the hard way and easy way. There is never an easy way to greatness.
        • =2= It is the difference between the long and short way. Long labor and attention to detail yield a more perfect result.
        • =3= It is the difference between the disciplined and the undisciplined. Nothing is ever brought to a conclusion without discipline.
    • Why do few find the narrow gate?
      • It requires repentance and faith and sacrifice, as we will see in a few minutes. There is a lot of deception in the world.
      • There are two destines:
        • The narrow way leads to eternal life.
        • The broad way leads to destruction.
        • The word destruction means = waste, the loss of all that is precious to life, confining imprisonment.
  • Read Mat 7:15 The Parable of the Sheep and Wolves
    • We just discovered:
      • =1= …that there are 2 ways to live, one of which leads to destruction (13)
      • =2= …that the way to eternal life is narrow and few find it.(14)
    • What is the central truth of this parable?
      • Few people find that Jesus is the narrow gate because of false prophets who deceive them. False prophets look good on the outside but inwardly are evil.
      • The Jews were very familiar with false prophets. (Jer 6:14 Jer 8:11 Eze 22:27 Zep 3:3 Zec 13:4 Mat 10:16 Act 20:29)
    • What is sheep’s clothing?
      • Outward appearance of goodness, holiness, godliness.
      • Perhaps an allusion to the rough garments worn by prophets. Sheep skins and goat skins were worn by a group of hermit type, ascetic prophets. (Heb 11:37)
      • The shepherd wore a garment of sheepskin with the skin side out and the fleece worn next to your skin. From Elijah’s time, the sheepskin mantle became the accepted dress of the prophets who were supposed to be spiritual shepherds of the people. 1Kin 19:13,19 2Kin 1:8
      • Why do people not recognize false prophets and false teachers? The natural man looks on the outward man and judges by what he sees.
      • What does it mean by “ferocious wolves“?
        • Their motive or agenda is to ravage and steal the soul.
        • Read Joh 10:7-12
        • Read 2Pet 2:1-3
        • Read 1Joh 4:1-3
        • Read 2Cor 11:2,3,13-15
  • Read Mat 7:16-20 The Parable of the Good and Bad Fruit
    • What is the central truth of this parable?
      • You can tell false prophets by the fruit of their message.
      • Even though they are deceptive, they cannot hide the fruit of their message because falseness will eventually show itself.
    • What is meant by “grapes from thornbushes and figs from thistles”?
      • These refer to a superficial resemblance:
        • There was a certain thorn called a buckthorn that had little black berries that looked like grapes.
        • There was a thistle that had a flower that could be mistaken for a fig at a distance.
        • Good cannot come from bad. Every tree bears its own kind of fruit. A man speaks out of his heart. (Pro 23:7)
      • What is good fruit and a good tree? A godly message from a godly person.
      • What is bad fruit and a bad tree? An ungodly message from an ungodly person.
        • Teaching is false if it produces a religion which consists only of external observances.
        • Teaching is false if it produces a religion that consists of prohibitions.
        • Teaching is false if it produces an easy religion by taking out sin, judgment, and an eternal hell.
        • Teaching is false if it separates religion from daily life.
        • Teaching is false if it produces a religion that is arrogant and separates other believers.
      • What is meant by “thrown into the fire” (19)? Eternity in the lake of fire.
    • Principles from this parable:
      • =1= You can recognize them (false prophets and teachers) by the fruit of their message. (16)(20)
      • =2= While they appear deceptive, they can’t hide their fruit. (17-18)
        • Notice that you don’t want to rely totally on lifestyle.
        • Notice that the wolves are dressed in sheep’s clothing.
        • Also we all fall short from time to time.
      • =3= The end of the false prophets is fire. (19)
    • How then, do you tell a false prophet from a true one?

Characteristics of a False Prophet

Mat 7:15-16 2Pet 2:1-4, 10-22

    • Brings destructive heresies, denying the Lord, Jesus. (2Pet 2:1)
    • He twists the truth into a lie to promote his own ideas. Has pernicious ways. (2Pet 2:2)
    • He is immoral, sensual, with a lustful life.
    • Is covetous (2Pet 2:3)
    • His motive is financial gain and prestige.
    • Despises government (2Pet 2:10)
    • Not submitted to authority presumptuous and self-willed.
    • Beguiles unstable souls. (2Pet 2:14)
    • An appeal to new converts or baby Christians
    • Promises life but cannot deliver life.(2Pet 2:17,19)
    • Sometimes they have obtained the full, personal knowledge of righteousness but turned away. (2Pet 2:21)
  • Testing a Message or Doctrine: (Joh 16:13,14 Rev 19:10)
    • =1= Is it true to Christ, the son of God?
    • =2= Does it line up with scripture? (Isa 8:19,20 2Tim 3:16)
    • =3= Does it leave you with peace inside? (Deu 13:1-5 Col 3:15)
    • =4= Does it lead into liberty or bondage? (2Pet 2:17 Rom 8:15)
    • =5= What about the life of the one bringing the message? (Mat 7:15-20 1Tim 3:1-13 Gal 5:22)
    • =6= Is it confusing, changing doctrines or details? (Deu 18:20-22)
    • =7= Is there an anointing from God on the message? (Joh 2:20)


Matthew 7:21-29

  • Application of Mat 7:13-20
  • Listen to a Christian message this week and apply the test from your notes on “Testing a Message or Doctrine.” Write your observations:
  • Preparation for Mat 7:21-29 The End of the Sermon on the Mount
    • Read Mat 7:21-29 Parable of Two Houses
      • Make a list of important concepts or principles in these verses (21-29):
      • What is the central truth of the parable in Mat 7:24-27?
      • Who is the wise man?
      • Who is the foolish man?
      • What is the rock?
      • What is the sand?
      • What are the rains, flood, and winds?
  • Memory verse: Psa 25:12


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