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Matthew 22:15-33
Lesson #54


  • Memory verse: 1Cor 15:52
  • Read Mat 22:15-22
    • Jesus had spoken three parables in which He condemned the religious leaders:
      • In the parable of the two sons in the vineyard (Mat 21:28-32), the religious leaders were the rebellious son who never did his father’s will.
      • In the parable of the householder and the heir (Mat 21:33-46), the religious leaders are the wicked farmers.
      • In the parable of the marriage feast (Mat 22:1-14), the religious leaders are the condemned guests.
    • The religious leaders are upset with Jesus and seek to discredit Him in front of the crowd. This passage contains the second test question by the religious leaders. (The first one was in Mat 19:3 concerning divorce).
      • The second test question:
        • “is it lawful or not to pay tribute to caesar?”
        • The question was made by the Pharisees and the Herodians who joined together to trap Jesus.
          • These two groups were normally bitterly opposed to each other.
          • The Pharisees were the orthodox Jews and the Herodians were Jews who supported King Herod and collaborated with the Romans.
      • Background:
        • There were three regular taxes which the Roman government charged.
          • =1= There was a “ground tax” to be paid to the government. It was a tax of 1/10 of the grain and 1/5 of the oil and wine that your land produced.
          • =2= There was an income tax which was one percent of a man’s income.
          • =3= There was a poll tax of 1 Denarius paid by every male 14 to 65 years of age and every woman 12 to 65.
        • The tax in question here is the poll tax.
    • Jesus’ dilemma:
      • If Jesus said it was unlawful to pay it, the religious leaders would report him to the Roman government and He would be arrested for sedition.
      • If Jesus said it was lawful to pay it, the people would be upset with Him for honoring a false god.
      • To the Jew, their God was the only king and the only Deity. The roman emperor claimed to be king and god.
      • Jesus’ reply:
        • Background:
          • When a king began to rule, he had coins made with his image on them to validate his right as king. Those coins were considered the property of the king.
          • Jesus says what everyone already knew and believed. The coins belong to the Roman king.
          • Jesus did not state a rule but a principle.
        • Everyone has a dual citizenship.
          • You are a citizen of the country in which you live and you owe respect to the government of that country for the public services it provides.
          • As a Christian, you are a citizen of the kingdom of heaven and you owe respect to God for His blessings toward you.
        • Because the Christian is an honorable person, it is his duty to be a good citizen in both of these areas. (1Pet 2:17)
          • Jesus does not define the boundary line between these two areas: citizenship on earth and citizenship in heaven.
          • It is the Holy Spirit that shows you where that boundary is and how to live according to the principle.
    • Discussion:
      • What does Jesus’ answer mean to you and your life?
  • Read Mat 22:23-33
    • Because of the failure of the Pharisees to trap Jesus, the Sadducees decided to try.
    • Remember the Sadducees were wealthy aristocrats who governed the temple.
    • The third test question:
      • Of which of seven men will a woman be the wife in the resurrection? (28)
        • Background on the resurrection:
          • The Sadducees believed that only the first five books of the Bible were God’s Word. They did not accept the Psalms or the Prophets.
          • They did not believe in the resurrection of the body as the Pharisees did.
          • In fact the Pharisees said that if you denied the resurrection of the dead, you cut yourself off from God.
          • The Sadducees said there was no verse in the first five books of the Bible that proved there was a resurrection.
          • The Sadducees also did not believe in angels.
        • Background on levirate marriage:
          • If a man died childless, his brother was under obligation to marry his widow.
          • Their first child would be considered the child of the dead man. (Deu 25:5-10)
      • Jesus’ response: Jesus points out their erroneous thinking:
        • They were thinking that the characteristics of heaven would be just like those of the earth.
        • They were thinking of heaven in terms of earthly time.
        • They did not know scripture regarding the resurrection.
        • They did not know the power of God regarding the resurrection.
      • Jesus points out the truth:
        • Relationships in heaven will be different and more satisfying than those on earth and not confined to time.
        • Jesus mentions the angels in heaven as an established fact.
        • There is a resurrection because God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is a God of living men and not dead men.
        • Jesus used the phrase, “I am” in verse 32.
          • This name for God means He is alive. Otherwise God would have told Moses in Exo 3:13-14, “tell them ‘I was’ sent you.”
          • God is an all powerful God who can raise a mortal body to a new glorified body.
    • Discussion:
      • What does Jesus’ answer mean to you and your life?
      • What do we learn about Jesus from these two passages?
    • Jesus knew men’s hearts.
    • Jesus trusts the Holy Spirit to show the individual how to be a good citizen on earth and in heaven.
    • Jesus knew the Word of God.
    • Jesus always maintained control of a situation even when placed in a difficult position.
      • He did not get angry and lose his temper.
      • He was not intimidated by men who appeared to be important.
      • He did not hesitate to speak truth even when others disagreed with him.


Matthew 22:34-46

  • Application of Mat 22:15-33
    • In what ways can you improve your citizenship on earth?
    • In what ways can you improve your citizenship in heaven?
    • In what ways are you like the Sadducees in limiting the power of God in your life?
  • Preparation for Mat 22:34-46
    • Read Mat 22:34-46
      • What is the fourth test question Jesus had to answer?
      • Why do you think this was an important question?
      • What question did Jesus ask the religious leaders?
      • Why was this a difficult question to answer?
  • Memory verse: John 6:69


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