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Matthew 25:1-13
Lesson #61

  • Memory verse: Rom 12:1,2
  • Read Mat 25:1-13 The Parable of the Ten Virgins
    • General comments:
      • We are still talking about the second coming of the Lord begun in Matthew 24.
      • The first word, “then” is a very important word.
        • It links this parable with the last chapter.
        • It gives us a key to the interpretation.
      • When will the kingdom of heaven be like ten virgins? At the end of the age when the Lord comes a second time.
    • Background:
      • The Middle Eastern wedding practice of the time:
      • The Jewish wedding is a picture of the rapture of the church and a parallel of the relationship between Christ and the Church.
        • Jesus is called the “bridegroom” in scripture. (Isa 61:10 Isa 62:5 Mat 9:15 Mat 25:1-13)
        • The father of the groom would select the bride. (Eph 1:3-4)
        • =1= Once the bride was selected, there was a betrothal stage:
          • The groom would go to the bride’s house as a suitor. He would make a proposal of marriage. There would be the payment of a dowry, a covenant agreement was signed, and a cup of wine drunk to seal the bargain. (1Cor 6:20 1Cor 11:25 1Pet 1:18-19)
          • The groom returns to his father’s house (Joh 6:62), and the bride is set apart to prepare for married life: (Eph 5:25-27 Col 3:2-4 2Cor 11:2-3)
          • The groom prepares living space in his father’s house for his bride. (Joh 14:2-3)

When the living space is prepared, the groom returns to the bride’s house with escorts without any previous warning.

Upon approaching her house, he shouts his arrival. (1The 4:16)

        • =2= The presentation stage begins: (Eph 5:25,27 Jude 24 Rev 19:7-8)
          • The bride is veiled and taken from her house to the prepared living quarters. As the groom is returning with his bride to his father’s house, at various points on the route, friends of the couple would join the procession and proceed with them to the marriage feast in the house of the groom’s father.
          • They would have lamps on a pole to light the way of the procession. (Mat 25:1-13) No one was permitted in the streets without a light. They would all go to his father’s house the long way, winding through the streets of the city so everyone could greet them and wish them well.
          • At the father’s house, the wedding is announced, the marriage performed, and the consummation of the marriage takes place.
          • When the door of the father’s house was closed, no late guests could enter.
        • =3= The celebration stage begins: (Rev 19:7-10)
          • The wedding feast lasts for 7 days.
          • Great rejoicing and celebration characterize this stage of the wedding.
    • Who are the ten virgins? Those people who say they are believers.
      • Both Israel and the New Testament church are likened to virgins. (Isa 23:12 Isa 37:22 Jer 14:17)
      • What do we see the virgins doing?
        • They are waiting for the coming of the bridegroom.
        • Therefore, none of the virgins represent evil, scoffing non-believers who do not wait for the coming of the Lord.
      • Who is the bridegroom? Jesus Christ
        • The bride is not mentioned in this parable.
        • Remember the bride is the church, the bride of Christ.
        • Why she is not mentioned?
        • Perhaps because the parable focuses on the individual Christian and not the collective body of believers.
    • What are the vessels in verse 4? Vessels represent the human body. (Act 9:15 Rom 9:21 1The 4:4 2Tim 2:21)
    • What do the lamps represent? Ones’ life testimony. (See Mat 5:14)
    • Who does the oil represent?
      • The Holy Spirit. How do we know this?
      • In Scripture oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
        • Notice that the virgins with oil do not share that oil with those who do not have it.
        • Believers cannot give the Holy Spirit to others. Only God gives the Holy Spirit to those that receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
    • Who are the five wise virgins?
      • Those believers who have been born again.
      • They have the indwelling Holy Spirit. They are those that possess Christ and the Holy Spirit.
    • Who are the five foolish virgins?
      • Those who say they are Christians but are not born again. They are those who profess Christ but don’t know Him. They do not have the Holy Spirit in the heart.
      • The Jewish people were a chosen people. They were to wait for their Messiah and be prepared when he came.
    • What is the central truth of the parable?
      • Not everyone who says he is a Christian is one. Only the Lord knows who are His. (Mat 7:21)
      • The parable tells us to be ready for the Lord’s coming by possessing the in-dwelling Holy Spirit.
        • Remember the parable of the sower and the seed? Some seed fell on stony places where the soil was not deep and it did not take root. This was the person who heard the word but never put down roots, never possessed the kingdom.
        • This is the same person here, the good person who is probably a church goer but never gets born-again.
        • The result is that at the second coming of Christ, some will be shut out of the kingdom because they never accepted the Lord.
    • A poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson:
      • Late, late so late! And dark the night and chill!
      • Late, late so late! But we can enter still.
      • Too late, too late! Ye cannot enter now.
      • No light had we; for that we do repent;
      • And learning this, the bridegroom will relent.
      • Too late, too late! Ye cannot enter now.
      • No light; so late! And dark and chill the night!
      • Let us in, that we may find the light!
      • Too late, too late; ye cannot enter now.
      • Have we not heard the bridgroom is so sweet?
      • Let us in, tho’ late, to kiss his feet!
      • No, no, too late! Ye cannot enter now.
    • The parable tells us the tragedy of unprepared!


Matthew 25:14-30

  • Application of Mat 25:1-13 Parable of the ten virgins
    • Examine your heart and life (vessel and lamp). Do you possess the oil of the Holy Spirit?
    • How do you know?
    • If you do not have the oil of the Holy Spirit, what must you do to be ready for the Lord’s coming?
    • If you don’t know what to do, talk to the pastor, an elder, or to me.
  • Preparation for Mat 25:14-30 Parable of the talents and rewards
    • Read Mat 25:14-30
      • Who is the man?
      • Who are the servants?
      • What are the “goods” given to the servants (14)?
      • What is a talent?
      • How do you explain that one is given 5 talents, one 2 talents and one 1 talent and that they do not all receive the same amount?
      • What are the rewards for faithfulness?
      • What are the rewards for unfaithfulness?
      • What is the central truth of the parable?
  • Memory verse: Mat 25:29


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