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Matthew 7:7-12
Lesson #19


  • Memory verse: Mat 7:7
  • Read Mat 7:7-12 Parable of Stones and Serpents
    • What is the central truth of the Parable of Stones and Serpents?
      • To discern good from evil, I must continually seek God who is abundantly willing to give me what is best, then I can, in turn, help others.
      • Why the triple repetition?
        • Ask, seek, knock = first letter of each word is ask in English.
        • Prayer is necessary if we are to judge, act, and live rightly, always choosing the right path.
          • The verbs here are a present imperative tense indicating a continual process: Keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking.

It’s like a parent who says, “Shut the Door!” He means whenever you come in the house, Always shut the door!

This three level approach is a child’s approach to a parent.

          • Your relationship to your own earthly father will color your prayer relationship with your heavenly father.

Ask if the parent is near.

If he is not visible, seek the parent and then ask.

If the parent is inaccessible, get rid of any obstacles in order to ask and if he has gone to the neighbor’s house, knock to be in his presence to ask.

This passage is then more than just prayer. It is a whole life style.

Is God ever inaccessible?

No, we only think He is at times.

What is it that makes us think God is inaccessible at times?

Sin, lack of faith, fear.

    • What is the meaning of stone for bread?
      • They both are a similar shape.
        • The word for stone (lithos) and the word for bread (artos) sound similar
      • What is the meaning of a serpent for fish?
        • They both are a similar type.
        • The word for serpent (ophis) (an eel, considered unclean for Jews to eat) and the word for fish (ichthus) also has a similar sound.
    • Read Luk 11:12
      • Luke adds a third comparison that Matthew omits.
        • What is the meaning of a scorpion for an egg?
        • When a scorpion is at rest, its claws and tail are folded in. There is a pale scorpion which, when folded up, would look exactly like an egg.
      • The problem of resolving unanswered prayer in regards to vs.7.
        • After reading of God’s assurance that He will answer your prayers, how would you respond to a person who says, “I have prayed and prayed for something, but God never answers!”?
        • Discussion
    • Basic principles:
      • To be discerning, you must continually be seeking the things of God (7:7)
      • God is extremely willing to answer your prayer (7:7)
      • God will always give you what is best because He loves you (7:9-11)
      • Because God loves me enough to give me all I need, I can love others the same way (7:12)
      • God ,therefore, doesn’t make a mistake (7:11)
      • God gives us what is best for us even if we were to ask for the wrong thing. (7:9-10)
      • Prayer depends on a good parent/child relationship. (7:11)
      • A prayer relationship depends on knowing the true nature of God.
        • Read Heb 11:6
        • Read Jam 1:2-8
      • It says “them”, so there is no such thing as unanswered prayer for the child of God. (7:11)
      • However, the key is not just verbal asking in prayer. It is the thrust of one’s whole life style.
        • Read joshua 1:7-9
        • To know God takes faith, focus, and follow-through.
        • God does not release the valuable gems, the deep truths, the richest blessings of His kingdom cheaply and without struggle.
        • Salvation is a free gift, but we are to work out our salvation after that. Phi 2:12

Some Keys to Answered Prayer Joh 14, 15, 16

Promise Means Results
Joh 14:12-14

“Whatever ye shall ask I will do it”

1. Believe in Christ

2. Ask in Christ’s name according to His will and character

Answered prayer

Greater works.

John 15:7,8

“Ask what ye will, it shall be done”

1. Abide in him

2. Pruning words of discipline abide in you

Answered prayer

Bear much fruit

God is glorified

John 15:16,17

“Whatever ye ask, He may give it to you” “Love one another”

1. Ask in Christ’s name
2. Produce fruit
Answered prayer
John 16:23-27

“Whatever ye ask, He will give it to you”

1. In Christ’s name
2. Faithfulness
Answered prayer

Full of joy.

Seven hindrances to prayer Scriptures
Selfishness Jam 4:3
Sin Isa 59:1-2 Psa 66:18
Idols in the heart Eze 14:3 1Joh 5:21
Lack of works Pro 21:13 Luk 6:30
No forgiveness Mar 11:25
Bad marriage relationships 1Pet 3:7
Unbelief Jam 1:5-7
    • The Golden Rule (Mat 7:12)
      • Up to this point, everything that Jesus taught had been taught previously in some form or other by Judaism.
      • However, there is no positive equal to the golden rule in Jewish teaching.
        • But there were parallels to this saying given in a negative form in Judaism.
        • “What thou thyself hatest, to no man do”
      • Other religions have the teaching in its negative form as well.
        • The difference between the positive and the negative forms:
          • The negative form means to refrain your actions from injuring another person.
          • If a man consistently did nothing, he would never break this rule.
        • The positive form spoken by Jesus means we must take an action by going out of our way to benefit other people.
          • Only Christian love can motivate us to do this.
          • It means to go out of your way:

…to forgive as you want to be forgiven

…to help as you would want to be helped

…to encourage as you would want to be encouraged.


Mat 7:13-20

  • Application of Mat 7:7-12 Jesus’ Parable of Stones and Serpents
    • Think about your relationship with your own father when you were a child. Write down your thoughts that describe this relationship.
    • How has the relationship with your earthly father colored your relationship with your heavenly Father both positively and negatively?
    • What changes do you need to make in your thinking or life- style to change the focus of your life to seeking the things of God?
  • Preparation for Mat 7:13-20 The Warning
    • Read Mat 7:13-14 The Parable of the Two Gates and the Two Ways.
      • What is the central truth of the parable in Mat 7:13,14?
      • What does the narrow gate represent?
      • What is the narrow way?
      • What does the wide gate represent?
      • What is the broad way?
      • What is the relationship between the 2 ways and the 2 gates?
      • Why do few find the narrow gate?
    • Read Mat 7:15 The Parable of the Sheep and Wolves
      • What is the central truth of this parable?
      • What is represented by sheep’s clothing?
    • Read Mat 7:16-20 The Parable of the Good and Bad Fruit
      • What is the central truth of this parable?
      • What is good fruit?
      • What is bad fruit?
  • Memory verse: Psa 18:2


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