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Matthew 26:30-46
Lesson #66

  • Memory verse: John 17:22
  • Read Mat 26:30-35 The King’s warning
  • What do we learn about Jesus from this passage?
    • Jesus was very realistic about the characteristic of human failure that is part of the fallen nature of man.
    • He knew all the disciples would scatter when He was arrested, and that Peter would deny Him.
    • Jesus was very confident about the future. He always looked beyond the cross.
    • He knew He would be raised from the dead, and that He would come a second time.
    • Jesus was very sympathetic toward his disciples.
    • He did not reprimand or condemn them for their failures.
    • Instead, in love, He encourages them by saying He will meet them again.
  • John 14 On the way to the Garden of Gethsemane
    • Read Joh 14:1-15
      • Encouragement for the disciples and for us.
    • Read Joh 14:16-17,26
      • The promise of the Holy Spirit.
    • Read Joh 14:18-20
      • Jesus’ promise to come to them again.
    • Read Joh 14:21-25
      • The responsibility of reciprocal love.
    • Read Joh 14:27-31
      • The peace of God despite the activity of Satan.
  • Read Mat 26:36-46 The agony of the King in the Garden of Gethsemane
    • Jesus left the majority of the disciples probably on the lower slopes of the Mount of Olives. Then He took three of His closest disciples with Him to pray.
      • These were the ones who had been with Him on the Mount of Transfiguration: Peter, James, and John.
      • What do we learn about Jesus and this night of prayer?
        • Jesus was in agony. Why?
        • He knew the suffering that was ahead of Him on the cross.
        • He had a choice to make. He could do his own will and back away from going to the cross, or He could submit to God’s plan of redemption and go to the cross.
        • He knew the rejection and loneliness that lay ahead as He saw his disciples abandon Him.
        • He knew that He would suffer separation from God on the cross when He would become sin for us. Then he would say, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
      • Jesus was alone.
        • Even though He took his most trusted disciples with Him to pray, they fell asleep from physical exhaustion.
        • Jesus trusted God, His Father.
          • He used the word “abba, father” to address God as He prayed (Mar 14:36).
          • This was a title never before used to address God.

The term was used when a small child would address his father in the private intimacy of the home.

We are to have this same kind of trust and intimate relationship with God.

        • Jesus had courage.
          • After His time of prayer, He went to face His betrayer and His enemies.
    • Read John 17 the King’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane
      • What do we learn about Jesus?
        • He has power over all flesh. (17:2)
        • He has the power to give eternal life to men. (17:2)
        • His life on earth glorified God, the Father. (17:4)
        • He completed the work on earth that God gave Him to do. (17:4)
        • He is the eternal Son of God. (17:5)
        • He faithfully preached God’s word. (17:8)
        • He and God are one. (17:11)
        • He was not just another ordinary human being. (17:16)
        • He knew there would be many people who would believe in Him after the crucifixion. (17:20)
        • Jesus had God in him, and He was in God. (17:21)
        • Jesus was sent by God, the Father. (17:21)
        • God loved Jesus before He created the world and man. (17:24)
      • What requests did Jesus make in his prayer?
        • He prayed that God would glorify Him, Jesus, so that He, Jesus, would glorify God, the Father. (17:1,5)
        • He prayed that God would protect the disciples. (17:11)
        • He prayed that the disciples would be unified. (17:11)
        • He prayed that the disciples would have joy. (17:11)
        • He prayed that God would keep the disciples from evil. (17:15)
        • He prayed that God would make them holy through His word. (17:17)
        • He prayed that future believers would be unified. (17:21)
        • He prayed that future believers would be made perfect.(17:23)
        • He prayed that we would know God loves us as much as He loves Jesus. (17:23)
        • He prayed that all believers would one day be with Him in glory. (17:24)
        • He prayed that God’s love would be in all believers. (17:26)


Matthew 26:47-56

  • Application of Mat 26:30-46
    • In John 17 we learned that Jesus prayed for you, who would one day become a believer. How does his prayer in John 17 affect your life?
  • Preparation for Mat 26:47-56
    • Read Mat 26:47-56
      • What is your attitude toward violence?
      • Is it ever justified to fight back to defend yourself? Explain your answer.
      • Is it ever justified to defend another person who needs help? Explain your answer.
      • Then, what did Jesus mean in Mat 26:52?
  • Memory verse: Matthew 5:39


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