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Matthew 17:1-13
Lesson #42


  • Memory verse: Mat 5:17
  • Read Mat 17:1-13 and Luk 9:28-36 The Mount of Transfiguration
    • The location of the Mt. of Transfiguration:
      • Some believe it was Mt. Tabor. However, there was an armed fortress and a castle on this mountain.
      • More likely, it was Mt. Hermon. It is 9,400 ft. high.
        • It can be seen over a hundred miles away at the Dead Sea.
        • Mt. Hermon is interesting in that a cloud can form very rapidly at the peak and just as suddenly disappear. The cloud on this occasion was different. It was the glory of God.
    • The timing:
      • The broad view: Why did Jesus go there?
        • Jesus had told his disciples that He would have to die. Jesus had asked his disciples if people knew who He was. (Mat 16:13)
        • Jesus knew his time was short.
        • Jesus wanted to make sure He was in God’s perfect will.
      • The mundane view: When did Jesus go there?
        • This probably occurred at night because Luke tells us the disciples were sleepy. (Luk 9:32)
        • Jesus often separated himself from the crowd at night to pray. (Luk 9:29)
    • The appearance of Moses and Elijah:
      • Why did these two Old Testament figures appear to them and not some others like Noah or David?
      • These two Old Testament saints represented some very important aspects of Judaism.
        • Moses:
          • He was the lawgiver who brought God’s law to men.
          • God gave the Mosaic Law (the Ten Commandments) through Moses. (Exo)
          • Some interesting points:

Moses met God on the top of a mountain–Mt. Sinai

Moses came down from Mt. Sinai with his face shining after being with God. (Exo 34:29)

Moses had a mysterious death and God buried him on Mt. Nebo. (Deu 34:5-6)

        • Elijah:
          • He was considered the greatest prophet.
          • It was through Elijah that the voice of God spoke boldly to man.
          • Some interesting points:

Elijah met God on the top of a mountain–Mt. Horeb (1Kin 19:9-12)

Elijah did not die but was raptured in 2Kin 2:11.

        • The tradition of Judaism regarding Elijah and Moses:
          • Elijah:

The Jews expected Elijah to return before the Messiah came because of the prophecy in Mal 4:5-6. Jesus tells us that John the Baptist fulfilled that prophecy. (Mat 17:13).

However, the Jewish tradition added details to the coming of Elijah that the Bible does not verify.

Tradition said that Elijah would restore all things and make the world a perfect place fit for the Messiah to enter it. This included the building of a new temple and the destruction of all evil.

Jesus modifies this traditional view in Mat 17:12, by saying that Elijah

(John the Baptist) came preaching righteousness and repentance from evil and enduring suffering and death just as Jesus would do.

          • Moses:

Some Jewish teachers believed that when Elijah came to prepare the way for the Messiah, Moses would come with him.

This is not verified in the Bible.

    • The phenomena of the cloud and the light:
      • The cloud and the light are indications of the presence of the shekinah glory of God. (Exo 13:21-22 Exo 40:34 Exo 34:5 1Kin 8:10-11 2Chr 5:13-14 2Chr 7:2)
      • God’s declaration: “This is my beloved son of whom I am well pleased“. (Mat 17:5)
        • We have heard God make this declaration before when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. (Mat 3:17)
        • At that time God was verifying Jesus’ earthly ministry.
        • Now God is verifying that Jesus’ submission to the cross is God’s plan.
    • The disciples on the Mt. of Transfiguration:
      • Notice that all the disciples were not with Jesus. He took only those who were the closest to Him. (Peter, James, and John)
      • This was a special training experience for these three.
        • Peter’s reaction:
          • Peter was a man of action. He proposed building 3 huts so Moses, Elijah, and Jesus could stay there. Then they would all enjoy the presence and glory of God for an extended period of time.
          • Why was that a bad idea?

Mountain top experiences with the Lord are only to provide and encourage strength in us. The Christian life is not lived on the mountain top but in the valley of problems and suffering.

The disciples must descend to minister to the people in the valley.

        • The anointing glory of God is to enable believers to minister to others.
        • Jesus tells the three disciples not to tell anyone about the mountain top experience. Why?
          • The disciples needed to learn that Jesus was the Messiah who would suffer and die for his people.
          • He did not come the first time to be the conquering Messiah.
          • This lesson would not become a reality to the disciples until after they saw the crucifixion and the resurrection.
    • What do we learn about Jesus from this experience?
      • The King is greater than Moses and the prophets.
      • The King is totally submitted to God and His plan.
  • Application and discussion:
    • What great truths do we learn from this marvelous experience on the Mt. of Transfiguration?
    • We must let the Lord teach us his truths so we can then teach those truths to others.
    • We learn best by experiencing the presence of God and then applying it in our daily lives.
    • Contrary to popular thinking today, there is no such thing as reincarnation (Heb 9:27). Some people use this scripture to prove there is reincarnation.
      • How do you explain the appearance of Moses if there is no reincarnation?


Matthew 17:14-27

  • Application of Mat 17:1-13
    • What have you learned about living the Christian life that you are ready to teach others?
    • What do you think you still need to learn about living the Christian life?
  • Preparation for Mat 17:14-27
    • Read Mat 17:14-21 Essential faith
      • The parable of the mustard seed (Mat 17:20)
        • What is the central truth of the parable?
    • Read Mat 17:22-27
      • What is Jesus’ view of taxes to the government?
      • What do we learn about Jesus in Mat 17:14-27?
      • What do we learn about faith in Mat 17:14-27?
  • Memory verse: Heb 11:6


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