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Matthew 10:24-42

Lesson #27


  • Memory verse: Mat 10:39
  • Read Mat 10:24-42 Principles of being disciples for the King:
    • The delegation of the King’s power
      • The warning (24-25)
        • Christ had to carry a cross, so must the Christian carry a cross. (Mat 16:24)
        • No man deserves to share the fruits of victory if he refuses to share the struggle by which the victory comes.
      • The privilege (24-25)
        • To suffer for Christ is to share the work of Christ.
        • The trust Xhrist places in us to preach his gospel and do His work is a great privilege.
      • The freedom (26-31)
        • The King’s messengers should be free from fear.
        • Three times Jesus tells his disciples not to be afraid.
          • You are not to fear because there is nothing covered that will not be uncovered. (26)
          • In other words, truth will eventually triumph.
          • You are not to fear speaking the truth with boldness. (27)
          • You know that the judgments of eternity will correct the false judgments of time.
          • You are not to fear what might happen to the body. (28)
          • Punishment that men may do to the body is minor compared to eternal punishment of God.
          • There are things which are worse than death and disloyalty is one of them.
          • You are not to fear because God cares for you and He is in control. (31)
    • Parable of Sparrows and Hairs (Mat 10:29-31)
      • The central truth of the parable in Mat 10:29-31
        • If we are doing His will in being a living witness to all men, in God’s providence,
        • He will be concerned over the smallest details of our lives because we are of great value to Him.
      • Why do you think Jesus used the picture of sparrows and hairs?
        • Sparrows:
          • Common Syrian sparrows were very cheap and of little value. You could even buy 2 for a farthing (one of the smallest Roman coins).
          • However, if you gave 2 farthings, the seller would add an extra sparrow for free.
          • The fifth sparrow, therefore, had no value whatsoever.

Usually we think of this parable as meaning that the sparrow falls to the ground and dies. It’s true that God cares about that.

When a sparrow falls and dies, it dies upon the bosom of God.

How tenderly He cares for even the smallest, supposedly most worthless of His creatures.

However, the word “falls” to the ground here literally means to lightly land on the ground. Therefore, God notices and cares even when the least valued creature lightly hops around on the ground.

        • Hairs of your head:
          • A normal head has 6 to 7 hundred hairs per square inch of skin.
          • There are then 30-50 thousand on an average head. The most trivial details of your life are not beyond His watchful care.
      • The loyalty (32-33)
        • If you are loyal to Jesus, he will be loyal to you on this earth and in eternity. (32-33)
        • How do we fail in our loyalty to Him?
          • We deny Him with our words.
          • We deny Him by our silence.
          • We deny Him with our actions.
    • The Parable of the Swords and Foes (Mat 10:32-38)
      • The central truth:
        • Being a disciple of Jesus Christ will cause division and even create enemies.
        • Notice that is why we need the wisdom of the snake and the harmlessness of doves from the parable in our last lesson.
        • He is preparing his disciples here for certain opposition that will surely come.
      • What is meant by a “sword” in vs.34?
        • Making a decision for Jesus Christ will divide you from those who decide to reject Him.
        • Often times we think people are rejecting us, when it’s Him they are rejecting.
        • Read Heb 4:12
      • Who are the “foes” in vs. 36?
        • Those of his own household.
          • Read Rom 9:33 1Pei 2:6-8
          • Read Mat 16:24-27
        • Our cross is not daily burdens or irritations. It is making a stand for Christ amidst ridicule, persecution, suffering, and death.
      • How do you reconcile the central truths of these two parables and the fact that all the disciples were martyred except for John?
        • In other words, how far does God’s protection go?
        • Usually, Christians consider the parable of the fallen sparrow to be one of physical protection. It does not say that.
        • It simply indicates that God is in control.
          • He will do what is best with our life because He has a special plan for each life.
          • The context of these parables is going out to be a witness.

As we do, He will guide us.

He will surely protect when it is in His will, but He will not prevent suffering and death at the hands of non-believing persecutors when it will bring glory to Him.

The message is that He is in control of our life if we have given it to Him.

Notice Mat 10:32.

      • Summary:
        • God is in loving control of those of us who feel the most worthless of creatures.
        • He is in loving control of the most trivial of details of our lives.
        • But God’s plan for us is not for our comfort and ease.
        • He is building a kingdom. It may cost us.
    • The offer (34-39)
      • Jesus offers us warfare, often within our own household.
        • The Jews believed that one of the features of the coming of the “day of the Lord” (The coming of the Messiah) would be that He would divide families and households.
        • Jesus offers us a choice, often between earthly relationships and heavenly ones.
      • Jesus offers us a cross.
        • The people in Galilee knew very well the cost of a cross.
        • When the Roman general, Varus, had destroyed the revolt of Judas of Galilee, he crucified 2,000 Jews in that area.
      • Jesus offers adventure.
        • The man who finds his life will lose it, but the man who loses his life will find it.
        • That process is a great adventure.
    • The reward (40-42)
      • Acceptance by God the Father.
        • The Jews believed that to give honor to a representative of an important person was the same as giving honor directly to the important person.
        • This was especially true in giving honor to those who taught the word of God.
          • Jesus is the representative of God.
          • To honor Jesus is the same as honoring God.

Preachers and teachers of the word of God are Jesus’ representatives.

To honor them is the same as honoring Jesus.

      • Blessing: You will receive a blessing for simple hospitality.
  • Summary:
    • Expect persecution.
    • Have an eternal perspective.


Matthew 11:1-30

  • Application for mat 10:24-42
    • Describe how your life and your attitude toward your physical life correspond with the two parables, the parable of the sparrows and hairs (29-31), and the parable of the swords and foes (32-38).
    • How can you change your attitude so that you have an eternal perspective?
  • Preparation for Mat 11:1-30 Beginning of the rejection of the King
    • Read Mat 11:1-15 The problem of John the Baptist
      • What was John the Baptist’s problem?
      • Consider the parable of the reed and the soft clothing in Mat 11:7-8
        • What is the central truth?
    • Read Mat 11:16-19 The crowd opposes the King
      • Consider the parable of a generation and of children in Mat 11:16-17
      • What is the central truth?
      • Who are the children in the market place that do not dance or lament (verse 17)?
    • Read Mat 11:20-24 The King’s warning
      • What was the King’s warning?
    • Read Mat 11:25-30 The King’s wisdom
      • Read the following scriptures and write your impressions:
        • Pro 1:5-7
        • Pro 1:22-25
        • Pro 2:1-5
        • Pro 4:7
  • Memory verse: Mat 11:6


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