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Matthew 7:21-29
Lesson #21

  • Memory verse: Psa 25:12
  • Read Mat 7:21-29 Parable of Two Houses
    • Jesus concedes that many of the false prophets will preach wonderfully persuasive things, and even do miracles in the name of Jesus Christ.
      • Even in the New Testament there were Jewish exorcists who banished demons in Jesus name, (Act 19:13) but they were not believers.
      • There are miracles that are performed by Satan in order to spiritually deceive people.
      • Jesus says that judgment for these people is coming.
    • Important principles:
      • Everyone does not get into heaven but only the obedient. (21)
      • Many think they will get into heaven by their works. (22)
      • The Lord will say to them, “I don’t have a relationship with you.” (23)
      • Notice that Jesus indicates His Deity here in Mat 7:21. (see Joh 13:13)
      • That which is important is a life style built on obedience to the word of God. (24)
      • When problems come in this life, that life style built on Jesus, the Rock, will stand. (25)
      • The life not built on Jesus will not stand (26,27)
    • What is the central truth of the parable in Mat 7:24-27?
      • The Christian life begins with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and is then built on a life style of obedience to Jesus and the word of God.
      • Such a life style will withstand any adversity in this life.
    • Who is the wise man?
      • Only the Christian who builds his life wisely after receiving Christ in his heart; doing the Word as well as hearing the Word is wise.
      • In Israel there are many gullies which are pleasant, sandy, hollow places in summer. However, in the rainy season in winter they become gullies filled with rushing water. The wise builder must know which places are unsafe in which to build.
      • Jesus demands that you do two things to be a wise builder:
        • Listen.
        • Do.
      • The most important lesson we can learn is one of obedience.
    • Who is the foolish man?
      • It could be the non-believer, or the Christian who does not build wisely.
      • The Biblical definition of a fool is the person that says, “No God for me!”
        • Of course the definition refers to the unbeliever.
        • However, a carnal Christian that does not live for Christ is saying the same thing.
    • What is the rock?
      • In building a better class house in Israel, it was common to dig deep until you reached bed rock in order to set the foundation on solid rock.
      • Sometimes this meant you would dig down 30 feet.
        • Speaking spiritually Jesus Christ is the Rock. Read the following:
        • 1Cor 10:4
        • Deu 32:4
        • Psa 18:2,46
        • Isa 28:16
      • We must dig down through religious practices and superficial religion in order to build our life on the solid rock of Jesus.
    • What is the sand?
      • A loose foundation, a shifting, uncertain empty.
      • A profession of faith; external religion (like the Pharisees)
    • What are the rains, flood, and winds
      • Rain and wind threaten the roof and walls creating fear.
      • Flood threatens the foundation creating disaster.
      • Earthquakes indicate the impermanence of life.
  • Summary:
    • Notice that there are only 2 kinds of foundations: rock and sand. There are only 2 classes of builders, the wise and the foolish, just as there were only 2 gates, and 2 ways: broad and narrow.
    • Notice that nothing is mentioned about the building materials in the parable, so both could look the same.
      • In other words you could be built on sand and look like a Christian having developed all the “Christian” character qualities.
      • However, in the judgment, your building materials will be revealed. (1Cor 3:11-17)
  • The Sermon on the Mount ends by telling us that Jesus spoke with authority (29) and not like the scribes.
      • Remember that the scribes were those who copied the scriptures, and kept the oral traditions of the Law. They also interpreted the Law and taught it. At the time of Jesus the people relied on the scribes for knowledge of the scriptures.
      • The everyday language of the Jews was changing more and more to Aramaic. This meant that the average person was losing the ability to read and understand the ancient Jewish scriptures. More and more they relied on the scribes who taught them only legalism and external religion.


Matthew 8:1-17

  • Application of Mat 7:21-29 Parable of the Two Houses
    • Consider the foundation of your life.
      • Is it firmly established on Jesus Christ?
      • Have you invited Jesus into your life to be the cornerstone on which your life is built? If not, consider doing that in prayer right now.
      • If your life is established on Jesus Christ, consider the building materials with which you are building your life. What faulty building materials does the Lord want you to stop using? We all have some! List those here that the Lord brings to mind.
      • Lay them on the altar of sacrifice to the Lord and commit them to prayer. Ask him to replace them with sound building materials.
  • Preparation for Mat 8:1-17 The Power of the King
    • Read Mat 8:1-4 Jesus heals a leper
      • Background: Read Lev 13:45-46 Lev 14:1-32
      • What do you learn about Jesus from this healing?
      • What do you learn about faith from this healing?
    • Read Mat 8:5-13 Jesus heals the centurion’s servant
      • What do you learn about Jesus from this healing?
      • What do you learn about faith from this healing?
    • Read Mat 8:14-17 Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law.
      • What do you learn about Jesus from this healing?
      • What do you learn about faith from this healing?
  • Memory verse: 1Pet 2:24


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