[An example of Answers for the class discussion]
v #4 ABC Bible Study Part 2
Scripture Passage to Study: Col 2:1-23
Title: (Rewritethe same title you chose last week)
Hidden Treasures of Christ
E. Essence (Outline and summary)
I. Treasureof wisdom and knowledge (3)
A. Riches and assurance in understandingthe fulness of the Trinity (2, 9) B. Riches and assurance in acknowledgingthe fulness of the Trinity (2,9)II. Benefitsof wisdom and knowledge (4)
A. So that I will not be beguiled withenticing words. (4) B. So that I will be rooted, establishedand built up in faith to be able to walk in Him (6-7)III. Warnings (8)
A. Against worldly philosophy (8) 1. Because of completeness in Christ (10) 2. Because Hehas all power and authority (10) B. Against Judaistic law (11) 1. Because ourhearts are circumcised by Christ (11) 2. Because weidentify with death and resurrection of Christ in our baptism (12) 3. Because the sins of a broken law whichwe did are blotted out. (14) 4. Because Hewon the victory over Satan on the cross. (15) C. Against religious ritual (15-17) D. Against mysticism (18) 1. Voluntaryhumility = self-abasement (18) 2. Worship ofangels (18) 3. Falsevisions and revelations (18) 4. With Jesusnot at the center (19) E. Against asceticism and monasticism 1. Will-worship 2. Falsehumility 3. Neglectingthe body of Christ