[An example of Answers for the class discussion]
#3 The Parable Bible Study
v The name of the parable: The Parable of the Sower and the Seed
v The scripture passage: Luk 8:4-15 Date:
v =1= What circumstances led up to thisteaching, if any?
The parable was given to believers and to non-believers in agroup in the countryside, but it was explained only to the disciples.
v =2= Write a brief summary of theparable:
The farmer sows the seed (1) some falls on the path and isstepped on and eaten by birds (2) some falls on rock but the tiny plants die for lack ofwater (3) some fall on weeds which choke it (4) some falls on good soil and produces 100fold.
v =3= List any additional details givenin parallel passages:
Ø (The same parable is in Mat 13:1-23 andMar 4:1-20)
Jesus speaks to the people from a boat. The seed that fell onthe rock did not have enough depth of soil so they were burned by the sun. Good soilproduced 30X 60X and 100X.
v =4= Does the author of the parablegive an interpretation? If so, what is it?
Yes. The seed = the Word of God
(1) Satan steps on and eats the Word sownin the heart.
(2) They receive the Word but dontact on it and put it to the test. (3) They heard the Word but were distractedby the world. (4) They heardand kept the Word and produced fruit.v =5= What is the one central truththat the parable teaches?
We respond to the Word of God in 4 different ways but only 1way produces fruit.
v =6= Application: Is there somethingthat I can apply to my life? If there is, how can I apply it?
Regarding faith for healing, I needto not have a stony heart or a heart like the pathway. I need to stand on the Word andkeep healing scriptures before me all day nourishing my faith in Gods Word.