Bible Perspectives: How to Study the Bible for Yourself Part II
Lesson #08
“The Beginning of the End”
- #9 Comprehensive Book Analysis
: Chapter Analysis Sheet #C and #D Jonah 2
(to go to homework answers for the teacher – an example)
- Class Lesson: The Beginning of the New Testament
- Matthew
- The Theme and Major Highlights:
(Levi) [The Gift of Jehovah]
- In this respect the book parallels the color purple of the tabernacle curtains which signified that Christ fulfilled the Mosaic Law.
- In this respect the book parallels the face of the lion in the book of Ezekiel which signifies that Christ fulfilled the prophets.
(Jehovah is Gracious)
- The Theme and Major Highlights:
- In this respect, the book parallels the color red in the tabernacle curtains which prefigures the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
- In this respect, the book parallels the face of an ox in the book of Ezekiel as the ox is the bearer of burdens.
- The Theme and Major Highlights:
- In that respect, the book parallels the color white in the tabernacle curtains to illustrate the sinless nature of Christ.
- In that respect, the book parallels the “face of a man” in the book of Ezekiel to illustrate that Jesus was God come in the flesh.
(Gods Gracious Gift)
- The Theme and Major Highlights:
- In this respect, the book parallels the color blue of the tabernacle curtains to illustrate the heavenly nature of Christ and the Kingdom of God.
- In this respect, the book parallels the face of an eagle in the book of Ezekiel in that this bird flies the highest under heaven.
- The Theme and Major Highlights:
- This book was written by Luke, the Gentile.
- This book documents:
- the spread of the gospel.
- the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
- the beginning of the church.
- the acts of the Holy Spirit in the early church.
- the conversion of the apostle Paul.
- Principal Characters:
- Peter, Paul, Stephen, Barnabas, Silas, Luke, James
- Even though John met Paul, even though Luke was a convert of Paul and traveled with him for 18 years, even though Mark was Pauls companion, none of the Gospels contain what is called the Pauline Revelation.
- What the Gospel writers knew but were not guided to write:
- Christ as a substitute for sin.
- The concept of the believer becoming a new creature in Christ.
- Christ as our righteousness and justification.
- The church as the body of Christ.
- Jesus ministry as mediator, intercessor, and advocate at the right hand of God.
- The concept of a finished faith.
- The Theme and Major Highlights:
- #9 Comprehensive Book Analysis
: Chapter Analysis Sheets #E and #F Jonah 2
- 1. Work on your Spiritual Diary 15 minutes for 6 days.
- 2. Use sheets #E and #F of the Comprehensive Book Analysis Study to study
Jonah 2.
- Day 1 = Read the whole book of Jonah in a different version of the Bible.
- Day 2 = Read chapter 2. Begin to complete page #E.
- “Cross Reference”
- Mark the kind of cross references:
- Internal (within the book of Jonah) or external (in any other book)
- Mark the type of cross references:
- Parallel (it says the same thing in almost the same words)
- Corresponding (It deals with similar material)
- Contrasting (It deals with opposite ideas)
- Illustrative (It tends to illustrate the verse)
- The “Linking Thought”
- What one or two words did you use to find the cross references?
- “Notes and Comments”
- Write the implications, illustrations, and definitions.
- Day 3 = Read Chapter 2. Work on the top part of Page #F.
- “Title”
- Create a title for the chapter that reflects the theme.
- “Theme”
- Write what you think is the central thought of the chapter. It may be a topic, proposition, a problem, or an argument. There may even be more than one.
- “Conclusions”
- What are the authors conclusions on the theme.
- Day 4 = Read Chapter 2. Work on the bottom half of Page #F.
- “Conclusions”
- Write some basic principles (the broad, general observations)
- Day 5 = Read Chapter 2. Finish Page #F.
- “Application”
- What does this chapter tell you that applies to your own personal life today?
- “Passage Description”
- Summarize the chapter in your own words. Do not interpret what is being said here or why. Only write the facts of what is said.
- Day 6 = Read Chapter 2. Finish any remaining work on this chapter that you did not complete.
Homework Sheet #E
#9 Comprehensive Book Analysis
Chapter Analysis: — Jonah 2
Verse: | Cross References and Linking Thought: | Notes and Comments: |
Homework Sheet #F
#9 Comprehensive Book Analysis
Chapter Analysis: Jonah 2